Saturday, September 17, 2011

What Have I DONE!?

I am questioning my decision to return to school.  I am not sure why though?  Perhaps the impact it is having on my self-esteem??  I constantly find myself questioning my abilities, and of course then I complete an assignment and realize that it wasn't that hard.  I am starting to recall how I felt in college all those years ago.  As if I was in over my head all the time.  I would project on an assignment, procrastinate until the last minute and then once I actually STARTED TO WORK ON IT, would find that it really wasn't that difficult at all.  Have I not changed in 20 years!?

I am trying not to procrastinate, but although I start the assignment - time doesn't allow me to work on things as I would like.  All those years ago I have the luxury of being a full time student.  Today my life is EXTREMELY FULL.  I barely got into bed before 11:30 every night BEFORE I started school - now I find myself just exhausted!!!  I really don't know with my Crohn's Disease if I can do this.  I know that stress and exhaustion are not good for it and I am fearful that I might have another flare up if I don't take care of myself (or is that just a way for me to quit without having to own it).  Oh, my fear of failure rearing it's ugly head...!  If I quit then I won't have to worry about failing?  I won't have to sacrifice.  I am not going to get this without DOING THE WORK.  That's how life is....  I KNOW these things.... but I guess I just forgot HARD and PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTING this is would be.

Stay tuned....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 2

Feeling a little overwhelmed at trying to get back into the swing of studying and how the new technology works.  So far I don't think this is in any way unexpected, however it is still overwhelming.

As I start to make my way around the Forums I am finding that ability to interact with my classmates outside of the classroom to share ideas, questions and concerns to be a great tool.

As far as time management, this past week I remembered the constant state of anxiety I lived in during undergrad school, due to my own habit of procrastination.  I have vowed to not make the same mistakes as an adult as I did as a teen!!